Friday, September 21, 2007

Life lessons with Zeke

This might be a monthly installment since I am always learning things from him! He is 4 years old and so bright and hilarious! A couple of days ago Dan was gone all day and evening at Smashing Pumpkins, it made for a very long day with no adults to speak with and no relief from constant chaos. Anyhoo we decided to head out for a walk to break up the evening. As I was pushing our massive double stroller around our neighborhood, I realized that to be on the side walk and go up and down the drive way dips was ridiculously hard! The stroller is so heavy and it felt like it was going to tip over. I assume I was making a dramatic statement about how hard it was when Zeke said (in a soothing tone) "relax mama, your ok". I had to chuckle because he is always repeating me and it is just funny when your 4 year old can calm you and make you see how dramatic you might sound!
Anyway I can't keep track of how many times a day he cracks us up. Just this morning as we were taking care of business in the bathroom I said why is your poop green Zeke, he calmly replys "oh I was eating grass" Then cracks up at himself! Fun times and life lessons!


Penny Lane said...

"Oh I was eating grass." Like it's no big deal! I love that kid!

trisha loves to paint said...

he's so funny! i love that kid!