Saturday, June 28, 2008

Feeling dumb

Sometimes when I read others blogs I feel dumb. For example my wonderful husband Dan, just put up a video up which received many rather long and detailed comments. As I was reading through some I fell asleep. J/K
I didn't but I have to admit that the time it would take me to watch the video, read the comments and then leave one would be entirely too long. In the time it has taken me to write this much, Sofia and Zeke got into a pushing fight, Sofia was carrying around some white out upside, and honking this annoying horn that almost made me lose my mind. How in the world could I form a complete thought that would be smart and witty to add to someones blog!
As I type this Zeke is asking me the same question 100 times, and telling me I hurt his feelings and he never wants to play with me again.
These are my daily conversations, not unfortunately politics and discussions on grace. I probably need to get out more.


MamaSue said...

OR you might say...
"In the time it has taken me to write this much, I mediated Sofia and Zeke's pushing fight, rescued the carpet from Sofia's upside down Wite Out, and smiled in spite of my daughter's honking this annoying horn that almost made me lose my mind. How in the world could I think this was less important that taking the time to form a complete thought that would be smart and witty to add to someones blog!
As I type this I am patiently answering Zeke who is asking me the same question 100 times, and telling him I love him even when he says I hurt his feelings and he never wants to play with me again.
These are my daily conversations because I am a mom; They are not pointless, useless discussions about politics. And instead of taking part in windy discussions on grace, I am a living example of that very character trait in the lives of my kids. I probably need to get off my back more."

Perspective, Mama; perspective.

Unknown said...

Alyssa- I am laughing so hard right now. You are hilarious.

I just let the kids duke it out until blood is drawn and then I step in...just kidding. REally, I say, "Shut up...mommmy is trying to blog right about grace and politics now d@#$it!"

Really, I just deny myself sleep.

I love you! I miss you! I want to hear your thoughts someday...until then know that you are such an amazing mom. Your daily struggles sound just like mine. Wish we lived down the street from eachother and we could hang out more (maybe we would sneak mid-day margaritas or something when it gets too crazy!!!). For now, it will just be via cyberspace.

I completely understand your perspective!!! :-)

Annie said...

You stated my exact reasons for why I haven't watched the video discussion on politics on Dan's blog either! How does anyone with kids have 52 minutes to focus on anything without interruption. Today at church while I was talking with someone, Jonah screamed at Davey for taking his gummy worm, kicked him in the shin, and Davey slapped him HARD over the head. It was a very dark time for me. Luckily, I was in my "so what, this is my life" kind of mood so it rolled off ok:) Miss you

Shannon said...

Ha ha ha ha!

Kari Q. said...

amen are preaching to the choir. and annette wonders why I don't blog, for that exact reason. in order for me to even type a reasonably intelligent sounding sentence, let alone blog would mean that I would have to have more than 2 minutes without a child crying or whining for "more nilk please!" oh how i love being a mom, but sometimes i think it does somehow suck the intelligence right out of your brain!! it is so good to know that i am not alone...

Kari Q. said...

amen are preaching to the choir. and annette wonders why I don't blog, for that exact reason. in order for me to even type a reasonably intelligent sounding sentence, let alone blog would mean that I would have to have more than 2 minutes without a child crying or whining for "more nilk please!" oh how i love being a mom, but sometimes i think it does somehow suck the intelligence right out of your brain!! it is so good to know that i am not alone...

Leah said...

I love mamasue's comment. I should probably take her advice, too. You are amazing, Alyssa, just in the time that I've known you, you are exactly the mom that Zeke and Sofia need and just the wife for Dan. You have more patience and love than many people I know put together.
Besides, if forming the character and minds of the next generation that will run our churches and cities and country isn't important, than I don't know what is.