Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I miss my trash man

It seems like every week I miss the trash guy.
We hardly have any trash because we recycle absolutely everything, but we have been using these biodegradable diapers called nature baby and so these are in our trash can. There are not too many in a weeks time because I am still using gdiapers/ cloth diapers alongside of them, but the few that are in there are horr-ib-leee! (said with a spanish accent)!!
When Sofia is teething it is a crazy mess in the diapers! And when that happens in a cloth it equals some major gagging. I think it is heightened with my pregnancy, smells are soo much stronger!
Luckily Sofia gets into a routine and I know when she might do some business so I put on the throw away biodegradable ones!
Anyway my point is today is trash day and again I missed it. our trash can smells like something died in it and I am not kidding no matter how fast you open and close it, the smell could literally knock you out!
So I have to keep this smell in our garage for another week, that is the only place for our trash cans!
I know I should put them out the night before but we never remember because we have our life group, and Dan leaves really early in the morning for his prayer time, so that leaves it up to me to remember. Not good, since I forget every week!
I was going to run across the street with my trash can and just wait for him to take it, but every house had their can out so it was a no go.
oh well, we will try again next week


Anonymous said...

I have to say I do not miss those days!!! The gagging part reminds me of this sequence they do on America's Funniest Home Videos of fathers changing diapers and literally almost throwing up. And a lot of them have their noses plugged some way or another. It is hilarious!!!
Miss you guys!! As you get closer to the due date you need to put up weekly pictures so we can see how you are growing!!!
Love you! Your sister

MamaSue said...

Ok, Smart Girl; see what you did there? Now you'll probably get like 500 emails next Tuesday reminding you to put out the trash. I'd send you one, but someone would have to send ME an email to remind me to send YOU an email.
PS I do NOT miss Diaper Days. How could something so small and squishy and adorable produce a smell like that? I'm pretty sure it's what they used for the face melting scene in Raiders.

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

Oh, my. I can't believe that someone would even think of posting this, but it seems that there might be a landfill in the area where dump trucks take your trash for disposal. Therein lie several opportunities between your curb and the landfill for neglected trash to end up in the landfill.... including (a) your husband riding his bicycle to the landfill and delivering the forgotten trash (I'll bet that he would be riding very rapidly), (b) discovering that there the entire city does not have trash pickup on the same day and someone else in your church life group thingies would happily offer to adopt the neglected trash on the eve of the alternate trash pick up or (c) aforementioned wonderful husband discovering that commercial areas have huge containers (commonly known as dumpsters) behind them which can occasionally have a little extra solid waste deposited into them so as not to upset the delicate senses of lovely and very gestationally apparent wife.