Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things to ponder from Zeke

You gotta love the photo booth on imac it is hours of fun for Zeke!

Some thoughts by Zeke:

Two of these thoughts/memories were said to me in the car on the way to Mom's group this morning. The other one was yesterday in the car on the way home from the aquatic center.

We got on the 44 and Zeke said "hey mama this one time Grammy and Grampy had to drive so super very fast on the freeway because I had to poop and it was hurting me real real bad. So Grampy was driving way too fast and we made it home and I pooped."

What is funny is this was like a year ago, I don't know what brought the memory up again?

Next we were listening to some worship music and I was singing along, Zeke says,
"hey mama, please stop singing, you just need to listen and hear the words, not sing them to us, ok."
Ouch, I know my voice is not that great, but he usually doesn't mind when I sing, it must have been especially off key today!

The other funny one happened yesterday when our whole family was driving home from the pool.
" Hey daddy and Mama, um my teeth are really tight I need to just take them out of my mouth like Grandpa Oyler does with his"
What is funny is he has not seen my Grandpa who I guess can take his teeth out of his mouth, for over a year. They live in Indiana and we have not seen them since they visited last spring!

I love Zeke's memory he always brings up things from so long ago, it is funny what stays with them or what impresses them! I guess someone being able to remove their teeth completely was pretty important!


Emily Faulknor Photography said...

Um, ok that is HILARIOUS! Zeke has so much awesome character. Thanks for sharing these stories and bringing a smile to my face! :)

Becky Moseley said...

I wonder what would elicit the comment that his teeth are "tight". Maybe an extra hard pretzel or over-chewed bubble gum? Too cute.

Old Skool said...

You should tell Zeke how you would go WEEKS without pooping (like at summer camps). I would love to hear the questions he asks after he hears that!

Fleck, the Mrs. said...

SO funny! I love the life perspective that kids have. It's so random and innocent. Keeps you on your toes. I laughed at loud when I read this. :)