Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Things I miss

I absolutely love being pregnant, it has been a desire for really my whole life, I remember being young and thinking pregnant women were so beautiful, and I couldn't wait until it was my turn. So after 7 years of praying for it I am thrilled it has finally happened to me.
But there are a few things I miss and can't wait to do when I have the baby.

Like sleeping on my stomach! Oh how I miss sleeping on my back and stomach, I have always slept on my stomach and it is an adjustment not being able to do that!

Stretching! That morning stretch when you are laying in bed on your back before you get out of bed. For some reason I can't stretch, maybe because you use your stomach muscles and they are all stretched out with a baby pushing on them. And you can't point and stretch your feet because it hurts and then you have those crazy charlie horses!

Being able to see below my belly, and do things like reach your feet! We had a girls night last weekend and I realized I can't paint my toenails anymore! I couldn't breathe, so Erica kindly painted them for me! Thanks Erica

Drink a big fat Cherry coke. I hardly have soda, but every once in awhile I crave a cherry coke with my friend Karen(miss you girl).

Having a glass of wine. Also something I don't do that often but there are those great nights when the kids are in bed and we go sit outside and it would be perfect to sip a glass of wine with my husband!

Sleep longer than 3 hours without having to get up to go pee! Not that this is going to change anytime soon, but I look forward to this day!

Eating hummus and not getting indigestion! I get indigestion when I drink water! I love hummus and Trav & Annette brought us some from Trader joes when they came up and every time I eat it it stays with me all day!! But I still do it because I love it so much!

Those are just a few things lately I have been missing, but to counter those there are a million things I love about being pregnant and I feel so thankful to be able to experience this crazy thing that God designed our bodies for!


escamillaweddings said...

your story encourages me so much!!!

to know that you've prayed so long for your hearts desire and to see God answer it in a HUGE way (no pun intended hehe) is amazing!
it reminds me that God never forgets about us. His timing may be way off from ours but there is always a greater purpose behind his. i am so thankful that we can trust in a God who can see the full picture!

love you!

La Rodriga said...

Hey girl....
I feel you! 9 months doesn't seem like a long time, but it can be when a little creation has taken over you body.
Just want to warn you about your desire to sleep on your stomach (which I couldn't wait to do either)...it might still take a while to be able to do that since nursing might make you a bit sore and uncomfortable. I was disappointed because I had some unrealistic expectations about post-partum stuff, so I wanted to keep it real with you so you could avoid disappointment!
Your belly is beautiful...I love it!

Casey Angulo said...

That is a cute pic of you and Zeke.

Shannon said...


Kari Q. said...

You are so stinkin cute with your big belly!!! Despite the fact that pregnancy and post pregnancy can make you feel like someone has invaded your body (not just the baby) and taken over leaving you trying to figure out what the heck is going on...i can honestly say i love it (this is more easily said long after it is over). I am so thankful that God has blessed you with this amazing experience. I am thankful that God has given women the gift of pregnancy with the ups and the downs, because it is those downs that make you realize how amazing growing a child within you truly is. miss you!

Jessica (Probst) Eveland said...

You are BEAUTIFUL preggers!!!

Unknown said...

You are adorable...that Cherry coke is going to taste so good in just a couple of months.....

Josh H. said...

when i started to read your "things i miss" post i thought it would included one hot summer in white chocolate with no ac...and glowworm :)

Hubs said...

Hmmm... I am feeling a little guilty. Since I have morning sickness for so long I pretty much eat/drink whatever has calories and stays down (which includes Coke). Oh well, Violet turned out okay. Violet basically had coke slushies for the 1st 5 months and I couldn't keep down a vitamin to save my life (this time has not been that bad).

I wish someone would solve the mystery of those pregnancy charlie horses. They are unreal! I have tried everything - calcium, magnesium, potassium, heating,... and my calves are still sore some mornings.

I almost put the floating baby on my blog but when it said 136 days I just couldn't do it. Maybe once it gets in the double digits ;)

You do look cute pregnant.