Saturday, February 2, 2008

Things that are not so good...

Sofia and I getting sick again after only being well for less than a week

Sofia teething and biting everything, including your hand when you least expect it

Sofia having ridiculous poops, often (4 times a day) due to her teething. Cloth diapers are not so fun on these days.

Buying too many big items at Ikea and realizing it may not fit in the car... I am sure Dan will post about this experience soon.

Leaving the dog for 9 hours to travel to Ikea in Sacramento and coming home to some surprises! I can't fault her for pooping in the house, sometimes you just gotta go.

Feeling aching and tired and having and really really messy house, it just might stay this way for a couple of days!

1 comment:

Dana said...

oh man Alyssa what a crazy week or two you guys have had! I hope you are feeling better. That crazy weather doesn't help either.

How are you adjusting to redding? Homesick? Feeling unknown?

Thinking of you today!