Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Random Thought Process

Sometimes I let my thoughts run away when I am doing something mindless. Dan always is amazed how I can be talking about one thing and 2 minutes later be on some completely other random subject.
This morning I was cleaning out Zeke's art supply shelf and my thoughts were jumping all over the place.
Here they are:

It was so nice that my Uncle and Aunt came to visit...
They live in Indiana and are on a long road trip, they went out of their way to visit us, took us to lunch, shopping for the kids and to dinner. It was so nice to see them since we only see them every few years! They are on their way to Reno for a car club meeting, they love old classic cars.
This led me to my next thought as I remembered my dream

Weird that when your pregnant you have such crazy dreams...
In my dream I was hanging out with Beyonce! We were at a fancy party and the paparazzi were chasing us and we hopped in our classic car and drove off to the next party. I found it strange that she was in my dream, I have never listened to her music or been a big fan, not that I don't like her she seems great, it was just weird.
This lead me to thinking about how I was not pregnant in the dream

Crazy that I only have a little over 2 months left until the baby comes...
Dan's blog has the creepy floating baby and it says 67 days left! Oh man I still have nothing done and ready for the baby! I really should get on that! This lead me to wondering how Zeke and Sof would do sharing a room

I wonder if Sofia will ever take a nap again...
I just keep thinking that once they are in the same room they will play constantly and never sleep again. This made me realize how tired I am right now

Oh man I am so tired and it is only 8:45 am this could be a long day...
I need to have the kids run around and get some energy out so we could all take a nap this afternoon!!

There you have it my random thought process, nothing really exciting I know.


Becky Moseley said...

I do the same thing when I'm trying to fall asleep at night. I was thinking it would be funny to write a blog about the silly things that come to mind when you're really tired. Guess you beat me to it!

Shannon said...

love your blogs!

Dana said...

I LOVE that you just went through your thought processes....mainly because mine are so the same! I was laughing so hard as I thought about my day and even my last hour how my mind flitted from one thing to another!!! SO funny my friend!!

I can't believe you have two months left. I was just thinking today about sitting on your couch years ago and listening to your story of getting Zeke and your hearts desire to have children. What a story you have my friend!!!

love to you!!!!

Dana said...

hey I love the new layout! So cute!

Fleck, the Mrs. said...

Love it! Good thing God made us women to be multi-taskers and multi-thinkers...does that make sense? Derrick's favorite thing is when I start a conversation in my head and then add him in to it mid-way through my thought process. By the way...your pregnancy dreams are my favorite! You need to write a blog after the baby is here and compile all of your crazy dreams.