Friday, May 9, 2008

weird emotions

Since being pregnant I have had ridiculously weird emotions. there have been a few occasions where something will strike me as hilarious and I literally can't stop laughing. It is usually something my husband says, he makes me laugh more than anyone I know. But there have been a couple of occasions where something will just rock me and I can't stop crying. I very much dislike this. The first was while watching a movie where a dog died. I do not know why but I was uncontrollably crying. Not just a little bit, but balling couldn't talk crying so hard. Dan laughed at first then was not sure what to do with me.
So early this morning at around 4:45am I woke up crying from a weird dream.
In the dream I was at pinkberry ( a frozen yogurt place) and I ordered a cake. They don't have cake there and I don't even really like cake. Anyway I turn around to get something and when I turn back a friend had licked all of the icing off of my cake and was laughing about it. For some reason this made me really sad. Then I was at my house (that was not really my house, you know how dreams are weird that way). And I was trying to describe how sad and lonely I was feeling because my friend had licked the frosting off of my cake.
Then I woke up crying and I realized I was really sad to be leaving Riverside tomorrow.
So I got up to get some kleenex and get my cry out without waking Dan. I have been up ever since and I am bummed that i am missing out on my last day to sleep in!
I am hoping with this ridiculous emotional outburst out of my system I won't loose it when I have to say goodbye to my family!
Anyway it is almost 6am maybe I could still sleep for an hour or so.
This post is random


Becky Moseley said...

But someone licking all your icing off IS a sad thing! Aw. I had the crying problem too. My poor husband just stopped asking what was wrong.

Dana said...

Oh Alyssa...I can feel the sadness of leaving Riverside...there were some moments I would get on the plane to leave Redding and go back to LA and I just couldn't stop crying....And I wasn't pregnant!

Let us know how you are doing!

trisha loves to paint said...

i love pinkberry!!!
and i would never eat all the icing!!

Annie said...

I hope you made it through the goodbyes, hold out for the one year mark since moving!! Then again, we're due for a visit in June, I could be a total wreck when I leave again...
Life is messy and beautiful

Leah said...

I had the crying thing too, one of my favorite memories is of me sitting on the kitchen floor sobbing while Josh is patiently holding a bag of frozen peas on the back of my neck to help cool me down. Weird times!

Erica said...

I cried when I was pregnant with Asher. Maybe it is the combination of boy hormones with women. Notice all the girls that sympathized all were pregnant with boys. When I was pregnant with my girls I was so angry. I felt like I could just throw things or people out the window. Especially if Josh was holding frozen peas on my neck. Bbbbbbbrrrrrr!

Unknown said...

I remember those uncontrollable pregnant emotions and very vivid dreams. One time I was so angry with Jeff because he bought the wrong type of frozen vegetables. I was seriously so pissed and didn't get over it for days. What in the world??? Frozen vegetables. At least you have a legit reason for the tears. I am not pregnant and I still cry over dead pets and leaving you are OK!!! Pregnancy is a wild ride...and just to warn you: it took me 10-12 months after giving birth to feel "normal" again. And though at the time it feels so crazy, just think of all the funny stories you will have later!
When I was preggers with Aksel I could not sleep. Jeff and I got in a fight one day and I cried most of the day. I was sooo tired that night and because I had cried all day I figured I would fall fast asleep with no problem. I was wrong. Jeff tried to help by rubbing my back, but about 2 minutes into it, he was snoring away. I was so distraught that I just started sobbing. Uncontrollable sobbing. Jeff was still snoring. Then, Moses came into my room, put his big old head on my belly and stayed with me until I fell asleep. What a great dog. I will never forget that. See, great story!
Praying for you! Much love to you all and your little Moses! Moses supposes his toeses are roses but Moses supposes erroneously!!! :-)

Rosetta Borgic said...

Oh yeah!! The laughing spells were crazy with me. I have never thought things were so hilarious as I did when I was pregnant. The crying spells were pretty bad too, but what I found worse, was the drastic changes between the two. I usually would laugh so hysterically that I would cry. Then I would REALLY have no idea what was wrong.
Just an fyi, the crazy preggo hormones don't go away immediately after the baby is born. That was a huge surprise to me. It can take a couple months to get regulated, I guess!

Jeff Yoder said...

When I read the first line I read, "since being pregnant I have had ridiculouly weird emoticons."
I thought to myself, "how the hell did those little smiley faces know she was pregnant?"

:) ;) {:O

ok, bye