Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sofia the vaccum

Sofia is in this stage where she puts everything in her mouth! Zeke was never into so much stuff the way she is, she makes a mess just by walking by something! So in the last 2 days here is a list of the things she has put into her mouth!
Yesterday at the Dr. office her nasty bloody band-aid (at least it was hers right!)
The dog bone, she and Scarlet were playing fetch and she was carrying it around in her mouth!
Every book she picks up
Her wooden chair (she is teething so it must feel good)
A paper clip (that was scary)
Zeke's drum stick
50 rocks from outside (for some reason she is always trying to eat these)
a cracker that she gave to Scarlet then took back
Daddy's wrench (zeke is always playing with Dan's tools and he left them out for her)

What is funny is who knows what else I have not seen go into her mouth, let's hope we get through this phase quickly. It freaks me out and grosses me out!


Becky Moseley said...

Funny. Marty's in this phase right now, too. I'm finding it more and more important to keep our carpets vacuumed regularly, or all sorts of cat hair, old stale Cheerios, or dead bugs wind up in his mouth. Oh well. Guess it'll build up his immunity to all those germs!

Dana said...

Oh my gosh Sea Jay's little girl Raya used to eat rocks all the time. There were times we would be sitting in the backyard and would just say Raya spit out the rocks. And out they would come...

So funny!

She is SOO cute!!

Josh H. said...

hey alyssa, tell dan to shave. his facial hair is not only scary...but offensive. :)