Thursday, May 15, 2008

oh what a night!

Dan posted about how the kids were so out of it last evening from 4 shots each, well the fun had only just begun!
8:00pm put the kids to bed
12:30am Dan gets home from poker with the guys
1:00am Zeke wakes up crying with a fever
Dan takes him downstairs so he is not alone
1:30 I come down to check out the situation and find our thermometer is saying his temp is anywhere from 101 to 105!!!!!
I freak out, but Dan reassures me the thermometer is unreliable
1:45 give him tylenol
1:50 Dan heads out to Walgreens to get a new thermometer
2:15 he returns and Zeke has finally fallen asleep and is not burning up as much
2:30 Dan and I go to sleep
3:15 Sofia wakes up crying with a fever
I rock her and sing she calms down
4:00am we give her some tylenol
we lay her down to sleep
4:30 she is crying again Dan rocks her for awhile and puts her down again
5:00 she is awake again I bring her to bed with me where she moans and rolls around for an hour
6:15am I go downstairs with her where Dan and Zeke are awake and watching a video
we sit with the kids while they sip gatorade and eat 5 cheerios
Sofia gulps her gatorade and clams down to a nap
7am I go back to bed, Dan does not
9am Dan went off to work exhausted and the day is only beginning!
Luckily Zeke seems completely over it and is loud and playing again!
Nights like these make me so thankful for healthy kids, God has blessed us and they rarely get sick. Let me think about wether or not I am going to do that many shots again... ah NO!


Anna said...

Oh my goodness! There are no words for what I am thinking right now... I'll just enjoy my nights w/o children for now. :)

Rachael said...

AAAaaahhhh Yes the all night crazy "I can't believe this is really happening" night

Fleck, the Mrs. said...

I had one of those nights the other night. I wanted to run away and crawl up in a ball and sleep for a week. We'll get to sleep in in like 20 years, right?