Saturday, April 26, 2008

counting down

Vacation is in 5 days and I am starting to get a little crazy as I wait for it. As I write the house is in shambles, literally, Zeke won't stop asking me the same 3 questions about a flashlight, a fan and when we get to go over to the nieghbors house and Sofia is crying because I won't let her rip the paper out of the printer and I keep giving her chicken instead of animal crackers.
The count down began months ago for vacation but I am now counting the minutes... as Dan says "don't worry babe when the baby comes things will get much easier!!"
The photo was just taken and I just picked up half the stuff that was on the floor, good times!


Becky Moseley said...

Vacation is good. Where are you headed? I know Marty and I are counting down until our little break from reality in September. A whole baby-less week awaits.

Shannon said...

Hilarious!!! We were just talking about this! I loved seeing you!

Jeff Yoder said...

Your expression in this picture is priceless.

Have fun on your trip!


Kari Q. said...

Can't wait for your visit...I love this picture, because it is comforting to know that I am not the only one with a living room that constantly has toys/shoes/books/clothes strung about it at all times (even moments after it has been cleaned up)! I hope that you and dan have a very, very relaxing time at the beach!