Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day one of Redding

Well we made it and are settling in finally to Redding. Dan blogged about our trip, seriously it could not have gone better, thank you Jesus! The kids did great and so did the dog after she barfed once!
We have been unpacking all day and are still not even close to being done. The car was ridiculously full and so it will be a process! Zeke seems to love the new house, there are fans everywhere and new places to explore around the house. He loves sliding down the stairs on his stomach and Sofia has already tried to climb the stairs and fallen. She got a bruise on her head to start the day off. She is into everything and I cannot get a single thing done without stopping to get her out of the dog food, or off the stairs or out of the oven! Anyway it is good to be here, it rained all day but we have kept ourselves occupied with unpacking.
Thanks for praying for us, please continue as we have a lot of change ahead!


MamaSue said...

We've seen the front of the new house, and we've seen the least the part that peeks around the side of the VERY FULL you'll have to post pix of the backyard and each room as it is completed. How's the dog doing?

escamillaweddings said...

haha zeke and fans and riding down stairs! classic!

can't wait to hear more of your life in redding. love you!

Dana said...

Can you believe this crazy Nor Cal weather!?! I thought of you two and this being your first weekend back up here!!! Crazy--at least you can occupy your time unpacking and setting up your new house!
Have fun!

Erica said...

So glad that you are here. We love you guys and want to help in any way possible. We'll keep in contact.

jess mac said...

We miss you already! Did you hear the Dunlaps bought a Silver Saturn Vue?-We now have a fleet. Adam says we should make jackets. Sofia is one now!-and it sounds like into everything. Gwyn started crawling, so we are hot on your trail! We need your address-email me.