Lately I have enjoyed a few random things which I will list here:
Movies: In 2007 the best movie I saw of course was Juno, I think you all know that. (of course I think I only saw 3 movies in 2007!)
Also just saw The Great Debaters, amazing movie, i love movies that are true and have happened, i love movies that make you proud of other people and where they have been and the change they helped bring about in our country.
A thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini. I have been wanting to read this book since it came out but was too cheap to buy the hard back and it was always checked out at the library. So I finally borrowed it from my dear friend Karen. It is one of the best books I have read in a really long time. We read his first book, the Kite runner a few years back in our book club, I think it was the 2nd book we picked, also one of the best books I have read. What is crazy is the author has only written these 2 books. He has a way of capturing you and connecting you to the characters so that love them! You can't put the book down, I read it in 2 nights when Dan was gone. If you have not read it you should!
The political debates:
I have to admit this is the first election that I really care about. I have always voted but honestly have just voted for the republican because thats what you do.
This year Dan and I have taped the debates and when the kids go to bed we get excited, pop some popcorn and watch! I guess we are getting older and realize the importance of this election.
Adam had a really cool site on his blog called
glassbooth where you can go and answer questions and see which candidate cares about the things you do. It was great to reaffirm Obama believes in a lot of the things I do.
Hot drink:
Our whole family has been sick for over a week now and it is fun! My throat has been hurting so I started having a slice of lemon in hot water with some honey. It is really good and I think it has helped a lot! I think it is good, but not everyone feels the same!
I made a recipe of Kathy Risinger's a few days ago and have been enjoying it at every meal. She gave me a tortilla soup recipe a few months back and it is so good and easy. I think she had the recipe on her blog a little while ago, try it out!
Baby Einstein:
There seems to be a certain time of day, (evening) that the kids are just crabby and restless. So every once in awhile I throw on a baby Einstein, and luckily there are a few older ones that Zeke still enjoys, so nice that both the kids can enjoy something while dan and I can eat a meal semi peacefully together.
Sleeping in:
Now once you become parents this luxury is gone for what seems like forever. But we had a fleeting time of the kids sleeping in until 8am!!!!! The first week and a half we were up here the weather was so rainy that it would be a little darker than normal so they would sleep in until 8. We were in heaven while it lasted.
Amazing Race:
We have loved this show for years and we were rooting so hard for T.K. and Rachel and they won, Yay!!! THis season was awesome and they were a couple who remained calm and kind to one another in the midst of some serious stress!
Those are just a few things I have enjoyed lately, thought I would share!