That title doesn't really make sense but I like the sound of it.
So I was realizing lately that as a mom I repeat myself a ridiculous amount of times during the day. It starts to drive a person insane when you say the same thing over and over again with no real results, but I guess that is the joy of motherhood and teaching your children how to behave!
But on any certain day I find that these few phrases come out of my mouth over and over again:
To Zeke:
Stop hitting your sister
Stop picking your nose
Wash your hands
eat your dinner
stop yelling
turn your volume down
stop hitting your sister
don't kick the dog
no you can't have the fan on
did you wash your hands with soap
don't talk back
don't push your sister
stop talking like a baby
don't sass me
turn off the fan please
did you hear what I said
be gentle with your sister or the dog(whichever fits best in the circumstance)
To Sofia
Don't hit mama
are you hungry
don't eat the dog food
no, no Sof don't touch
don't hit mama
don't eat the dog food
are you hungry
no don't open the toilet
don't hit brother
be gentle with the dog
don't eat the dog food
I know one day I will miss the way I constantly said the same things 100 plus times a day, so I will cherish it now! But there are definitely days when you want to yell is anyone listening to what I am saying!!!
There are many good things that I repeat as well, like reading books, both of the kids LOVE to read books and I read the same ones 25 times a day but it is so worth it when they both cuddle up on each side of me and we read Quick as a cricket for the 13th time today!
Being a mom tests your patience, makes you humble, exhausts you and brings you some of the greatest joy. I am so thankful I get to be a mom, what a crazy responsibility, raising these kids to love God and love others. So tomorrow when I wake up saying the same thing to Zeke I will be grateful for my life of lather rinse repeat!