Thursday, April 2, 2009


It has been such a long day. It seems lately everything is a battle with Zeke. He is our strong energentic boy, who loves to have his own opinion and is not afraid to tell you what he thinks and how he feels.
All day today was a fight, getting dressed, what to eat for breakfast, what shoes to wear, doing homework, wanting to play in the water outside (he seems to think 60 degree weather means bathing suits and the hose being on).
We had battle after battle today, and it is like that every single day. I can't just ask him to do something easy, it always turns into a fight.
I just get discouraged and tired sometimes.
I don't like how impatient I get, how frustrated I become.

Just a minute ago Zeke came out of his room, I was laying on the couch he came and kissed my forehead and said he loved me. As he was walking back to his room he turned around and said mama you know God is always with you, and you can talk to him anytime, he hears you.
Moments like those make the rest of the chaotic day melt away and I see a little piece of Jesus coming out in him. What a gift.
I am pretty sure God knew I needed a little something.


Anonymous said...

That is so totally awesome!!!! Don't you wish you had video camaras around the house so you could keep those moments forever!!! I do, because I always forget to write stuff down. I will be praying for you and Zeke and your battles.

Love you!

Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

Wow. It is amazing how they can drive you crazy one minute and then blow you away with the purity of their hearts the next.

Annie said...

LOVE that story, a little bit of divine amongst the craziness of your day. God is good!