Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some Lance happenings

There has not been much time to post anything lately. It seems like I can hardly keep up with the kids, house and bills let alone read anyone's blogs or post on my own!
Some things that have been happening around here:
My parents visited about a month ago and worked all weekend putting in garage door openers, fixing things, and building a pantry. I am always amazed by how much we can accomplish when they are here!
Dan's mom was here this past week and we went out to dinner and a movie it was awesome! I miss having family around, I am still amazed at what I took for granted!

Moses got his first tooth! It is so cute when he smiles his huge grin! He is rolling all over the place and still doesn't think it is a good idea to take regular naps and sleep through the night! Although the last 2 nights, (knock on wood) he has done awesome at night! He is saying dada all the time, and mama ( only 2 times but I heard it!!)
Zeke is reading, and it is like pulling teeth out of an alligator to get his homework done and books read! He loves math and does not even have to think about it, he just knows it. We are in the process of looking for a school for next year, maybe a charter school, maybe public we will see what happens. For now he is playing in the dirt and fighting with Sofia on a daily basis.

Sofia our little pixie is still a firecracker! She is into everything and now likes to throw a fit whenever possible. She is our little dramatic one, she cracks us up. If she wants my attention she will just say Mama 100 times until I stop and see what it is. She does not give up or give in, which is always fun when it comes to dinner time. She is all about taking her clothes off whenever possible, and running around naked. She loves to dress up her babies and do everything I am doing with Moses. She nurses her stuffed animals and tries to put diapers on the dog!
I was looking at a picture the other day of me before I had three kids and I thought oh I remember when I used to do my hair and wear make-up, back when I didn't wear the same clothes 3 or 4 days in a row.( I am not exaggerating, unfortunately)
But I love that I get to be home with the kids, some days are so crazy I think I might fall over with exaustion. But other days I feel the time is fleeting and I wonder if I am doing all I can with them while they are here at home with me. I can't believe Zeke is already going to be 6 next month.
Anyway those are some things around here, just life with the Lances


Leah said...

Thanks for the updates, wow, Moses looks like Dan!! They are all so cute, the kids, I mean :). Keep the stats coming!

Anonymous said...

Yes but do you sleep in the same clothes you have worn three days?? - I might... Moses is adorable!!