Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2 boys and a girl.

It totally looks like Z is wearing skinny pants, but they are his jammies that are too small!!
Don't be jealous of how clean our play room is!

Poor Sofia, with 2 brothers she seems destined to be a tom boy. We have never been one to buy toys for our kids, so the toys they have have been gifts. (they have way too many!)
And Sofia has a really cool kitchen and a tea set along with one doll. I personally think this is PLENTY to play with, but for 80% of her day she plays with boy toys.
The picture is of her playing with legos, she has just discovered she can build things and she has been doing it all morning! I am sure it is from the influence of her brother and his amazing ability to build things.
Every once in awhile we see glimpses of Sofia's girliness. She LOVES to try on shoes and clothes, every time someone comes over she finds their shoes and is walking around the house in them, her favorite is Zeke's cowboy boots.
So cute
So I do have hope of her wanting to do tea parties and play house.
she is very sweet with her doll, she rocks her and rubs her back when I do the same with moses. I am still waiting for her to start nursing her doll!
But for now she would rather vroom cars with Zeke and build things with legos.
It is amazing to see how they learn through play, I think I have some pretty amazing kids!
Side note: Moses started rolling over last week, what the heck he is only 3 and 1/2 months!

1 comment:

ThePuertoRicanSlant said...

Are you teaching Zeke to be Emo Core with Skinny pants??? I do not approve...