Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you have it?!!!

Does anyone have the 4th book in the Twilight saga!!!!
I'm hooked and everyone I know has loaned it out!
If you have one and i can borrow it let me know!!!
I have to admit that when Erica told me about them I giggled and said I probably wouldn't read them... well you were right Erica they are awesome!!!


Annie said...

I know a preschool director that would have serious issues with you reading that series:)
Long live the count and sesame street!

Becky Moseley said...

I'm pretty sure we already talked about this, but whenever I get book four from the library, I'll let you read it.

I think I'm only 3rd in line!

Holly Macke said...

oh I so have it! Actually it makes me feel a little bit better knowing that other women out there besides little Jr Highers that actually like the series! ha.
I'll bring it with me when we come over for dinner tonight.

Shannon said...

What is this??? Fill me in!