Friday, January 16, 2009

baby food

I cant believe it is time to start feeding Moses food already!!! He turned 5 months last week and today was the first chance i had to whip up some food for him!
We made carrots, only because it is what i had in the house. I made all of Sofia's food so I hope i am that diligent with Mo!
Dan's parents came to visit and when we went to costco they got us the magic bullet so I am hoping it will be easy for me to make the food!
The kids are getting over colds and I just had to include this pic of Sofia after playing outside...yummy


Pearcia LaPointe said...

We loved our bullet! I think my favorite use was at thanksgiving dinner and I just loaded it up with different parts of my meal and Elliot got to eat a bit of everything in each bite. Now we love it for smoothies and egg white omelets!

Candace said...

Yay for eating dirt and good for you for making the food. I definitely wasn't diligent enough. I bought that tish!

Hubs said...

Wow! I can't believe he is 5 months. I feel like you were just pregnant. Hope eating is going well. How is the sleep training? It's hard to let them scream but it works itself out eventually (as long as you don't go crazy in the meantime).