Friday, August 22, 2008

My sweet Sofia

This last week and a half has been so many things. Wonderful, exciting, relief, exhausting, emotional, TIRING!!!
Our family adjusting to a baby has been anything but easy.
Moses does not sleep at night, and with 2 kids that means I don't sleep during the day either!
Zeke started school which was a really hard transition for him.
Sofia , my sweet easy girl has turned into the demolition queen! In this first week I will just highlight a few things Sofia has been up to, all usually while I am nursing and can't get to her in time!
Sofia has been playing in the toilet
eating dog food
emptying my entire recipe box
sitting in the pantry eating a bag of chips
pulling all of Zeke's books off the shelf
feeding the dog her entire p.b sandwich
pushing the buttons on the printer and jamming it.
Throwing multiple fits of rolling around on the ground and screaming
I am sure there is more but this is just a small list of what she likes to fill her time with.
So we are trying to give her love and attention as we teach her to obey. Not easy when you have a week old baby!
One day I will look back and tell her the stories of her with her new baby brother and we will laugh. I look forward to that day!!


Anonymous said...

This is one thing I did not see coming while we were there. She seemed to be just fine while you were nursing and seemed so interested in Moses in a nice way. I guess since we are not there to entertain her this is what happens!!! I hope the next few weeks get easier and hopefully fast!! We'll be praying for you guys. Miss you already and thanks for letting us invade your house to visit.

Love you,

Unknown said...

praying for sofia during this transition time. praying for you too. wish i was there to help. sofia and aksel could rip up the house together. :-) I feel your pain!

Candace said...

I can't even imagine having to handle that during such a crazy time with the new baby. I'm positive you guys are handling it beatifully.

Hubs said...

Makes me wonder what we have to look forward to ;) You and Dan's tattoos have great color! Do you get them retouched often?

Erica said...

First I love the new blog picture. Very cool. All the pictures are beautiful. Sophia is so pretty. Second, you guys are doing awesome. I know it is hard. Hang in there for about a month and a half. It will get easier. Call me anytime I would love to pick up Sophia and have Adiah and Asher wear her out.