Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Finally finished the garden!!

So we finally finished the garden!!!!
Who knew what a huge project this would be!! I thought sure no problem throw a few seeds back there and watch them grow, right? WRONG
The only full sun place in our yard is against the back fence which is a slope, so we had to dig it out and level it off, that in itself took us a few weeks, whenever we actually had time to get out there and dig it up. It ended up being full of granite rocks the size of beach balls. Let's just say Dan got a good work out!
Then we had to dig trenches around the plot to put the wood in. When we finally had time to get the wood, we had to paint it to protect it and getting it set up was not easy!
Then we had to find time to borrow the Gafner's truck(thanks you guys!) and go get the dirt!
We finally finished that Monday morning and the kids all got up early today so we headed out in the cool of the morning and planted!
I am so annoyed I didn't get pics of them planting the seeds!
Anyway You may look at the pictures and say, um why did you only plant 2 things ??
The rest are seeds, we planted green onion, green and red peppers, cucumbers, carrots, a tomato plant (more to plant soon), jalapeno plant and some basil!

I am so excited to see what happens, I can only hope at least one thing will grow and produce!!


Jamie said...

One thing to check off on your summer list!!! Yea now you at least started the list. Awesome!

Steve, Karen, Delaney, & Jude Dunlap said...

Looks great!
The raised bed looks awesome, and now you'll have it forever.
I bet Zeke and Sofia loved playing in the dirt!

Emily Faulknor said...

Looks so great Alyssa, I miss having our garden so enjoy every minute of it even when it is frustrating. It is soooo exciting when you start seeing everything grow. Have fun!

Leah said...

It looks great! We did a raised bed just like it and I love getting out in the early morning and checking on all my little vegetables. Have fun!