Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Relaxing, what is that??

Getting out of the house with 3 kids, well my 3 kids anyway is not easy!
I decided I would start these yoga classes at my gym, they are at a good time in the afternoon, after naps , after I feed Moses, so I thought perfect.
Well it did not go perfectly... 15 minutes before the class i start getting everyone ready, Zeke can get himself ready, but Sofia is a different story. I put her shoes on, I walk out of the room , she takes them, I put her coat on I turn around it is off! I pick Moses up to put him in the car seat and he has pooped everywhere. We change him get everyone's shoes and coats on and start for the door. Sofia dumps her snacks all over the rug, and we all walk through them grinding them into the rug, awesome. By this time 10 minutes have passed and we are going to be late, so I leave the snacks my dog will clean them up!
We head out the door and of course it is raining, everyone is running around trying to catch rain their mouths and getting soaked. (darn garage door opener that is broken, how I wish the car were in the garage!)
We make it to the gym run in and get everyone situated in the childcare.
I go into the class late of course.
But it is dark and quiet and I have a whole hour of relaxing, ahhh it was amazing.
But as soon as I am out the door I feel myself tense up again. Oh man I have to get home quick and feed everyone dinner and clean the bathroom before life group.
The kids are crabby, it is now snowing outside and Sofia trips and falls in a puddle on the way to the car, baby is crying, shoes are falling off and a sippy cup is lost in the war zone that is our life.
Anyway I think I undid all of relaxing, but I guess that is life right now.
Did I mention that a few days ago Sofia took off her diaper and then pooped in her room... lets just say there was even poop on the wall.
Never a dull moment in the Lance house!!!


Anonymous said...

All's I have to say is that I'm glad I am out of the diaper stage!!!!! Don't miss that at all!
Miss you guys, hope you are doing well besides all the hustle and bustle.

Love you!

Juliette said...

I only have one and I still need to start preparing to leave for ballet one hour ahead of time. I make sure I'm all dressed and ready to go so that I don't get consumed with everything else and end up flying back to my room to get ready when I'm already supposed to be there. You'll get a rhythm down for the yoga class - keep going, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Steve, Karen, Delaney, & Jude Dunlap said...

This post made me laugh out loud! Not at your misfortune, but I could just picture it all and it made me miss you guys like crazy. So whenever I call complaining about how life is so tough with one baby, I give you permission to tell me to shut it! Love you!

Casey Angulo said...

They may make you late but they sure are cute! I can't believe how big they are getting.

Annie said...

It sounds like a two hour yoga class is in order! I love the reality, it's so crazy and sweet at the same time. Hope you get a heavy dose of sweet soon!

Pearcia LaPointe said...

I love it! I tried catching a zumba class a few days ago and started getting ready 1/2 before the class and still ended up 35 minutes late. So I rocked the tread mill. Today I started getting ready an hour early and was 30 minutes early. Oh well. Zumba was fun though and kicked my butt. I'm hoping to start the yoga classes next week. Figure I need time to purge the energy and stress with zumba and time to recoup and relax with yoga. Perhaps I'll see you there sometime! And cheers to leaving the vacuuming to the dog! Love love love it!

Unknown said...

alyssa- you are so funny. i love your honesty. probably because i can totally relate. i am pretty sure that this day has played out at our house a time or two.

Kim Day said...

Alyssa, your strength truly amazes me! Even after staying with you for a few days, I still haven't figured out how you do it!!

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