Friday, April 10, 2009

I think my kids are funny

Some conversations lately...

Zeke is mad about something, having to go to bed, or doing homework, I can't remember.
Zeke: I don't want to, I am not doing it mama!
Me: Zeke please be a good listener
Zeke: No! I'm just gonna put Sofia to bed with no dinner!

Zeke is mad about something
Me: Zeke you need to do _____ or you are going to loose privileges
Zeke: Well I'm just gonna put Moses back in your tummy!!
Me: I don't think he would fit anymore, he is too big!!

Driving in the car after school
Zeke: we watched a video about Jesus dying on the cross today
Me: oh what did you think?
Zeke: when I have to be nailed to the cross I think it is gonna hurt!

Lately when we go and check on the kids before we go to bed we have been finding Sofia in her bed surrounded by Zeke's most precious items. She has been waiting for him to fall asleep then she sneaks in his bed and steals things like his favorite stuffed animals, the cat immojean, the dog snow doggie, his hummer, his lego creations!
She takes apart his lego creations and is surrounded by the pieces!
Zeke is very protective of these things so we find it quite funny to see her with them asleep!
If Zeke only knew!
I can't wait to see what kind of things Moses is going to do!
Last night we were getting in the car to go to winco and it was just chaos, it is raining, everyone is getting wet, someone is crying, someone dropped their apple slices, Sofia has boogers everywhere, her shoes are falling off etc. I have the tendency to get flustered and aggravated, but then I have to laugh and try to embrace the constant chaos, I would miss the craziness that is our life right now!


Amy @ Increasingly Domestic said...

Oh my gosh! Great stories! Zeke is hilarious:)

Emily Branca said...

Alyssa, I'm DYING laughing as I read Zeke's cleaver little comments. He is just so darn smart!! You children bring so much joy to my life, and to the lives of the people who get to see them on Sundays. Thank you for sharing this crazy life with me :) Your entire family holds a special place in my heart!

Rebecca Gafner said...

So funny! I love him wanting to put Mo back!!

.escamilla. said...

your kids ARE funny!
i don't know where zeke comes up with half the stuff he says. amazing.

love you!

Annie said...

LOVE that Sofia is sneaking Zeke's favorite things, she's way too smart and crafty that one!

trisha loves to paint said...

I am not even lying, right now I am crying because I am laughing so hard...I just read this out loud to my roomie and could barely breathe!!! Thank you so much for writing this stuff down!

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