Friday, February 27, 2009

I can't make this stuff up...

So in the last 6 months I have been noticing a slight increase in the missing socks. Especially Moses and Sofia's socks. I just figure they take them off somewhere and they don't make it to the laundry. They must be hiding under some furniture or stuffed in some hidden drawer.
Well I finally solved the mystery!
Today as I was doing laundry, a little something pink caught my eye. As I was loading the clothes in the washer a pink sock was just barely sticking out of the rubber ring around the inside of our front loading washer. I pulled it out and felt another sock in there, and another and another.
You get the picture, well 5 socks later, no wait there were 28 socks in there!!!!!!!
What the heck my washer was eating all of the little socks. I guess they were so small they would slip in there and you could not see them. Not until there was no more room, until the 28 socks had taken up all the room, no more could hide!
Now the state these socks are in, is disgusting, I'm not gonna sugar coat it for you.
They are sopping wet and discolored, sticky with an odor that can only be experienced in person.
But man was I excited to find them!
I have been keeping a pile in Moses room because I just knew they had to be somewhere around here!! Now they will finally be reunited. Reunited and it feels so good. j/k
Anyway that is the tale of the missing socks, I love a happy ending!


MamaSue said...

Two words: lingerie bags.

If you use 1 bag per kid, you'll never wonder who's socks belong to whom. And I'm telling you, when Mo gets older, you'll no longer be able to tell his apart from Zeke's...or Dan's...

That's a lot more than 2 words.

Pearcia LaPointe said...

I was going to say the same thing and Sue. The bags are a life saver. I'll pick one up for you if you don't have one.
Funny though. I always thought the dryer ate all the socks.

Anonymous said...

I seriously thought that you were going to say that Sofia or Zeke was stuffing them in there!!! Do you remember when Conner was little and we couldn't find his (or maybe it was Gavin's) pacifier for the life of us?? He had stuck it up into the baby swing! I still can't believe we ever found it. It had probably been missing at least 6 months!! I love kid stories, they are the best!

Miss you so much and the kids too!! Can't wait to see you!

Love, Krista

Candace said...

Oh my gosh! YOu solved the mystery of the missing socks!! No one ever does that. Maybe you could come over and inspect my washer and dryer too! See what you can find.

Annie said...

What the heck? 28 socks! That's crazy! How gratifying to solve a mystery though, gosh, that's gotta feel good. I love resolution.

Jess said...

Wow!!!! How in the world can a washer eat that many socks?! Impressive job in solving the mystery! We should bomboard you with oodles of new socks at the next Mom's Group! :)

Leah said...

That is the weirdest thing I have ever heard. Were they salvagable? That's a lot of socks to replace!