Wednesday, January 7, 2009

goin' veggie

So I used my gift card from my bro and sis - in law to Barnes and noble and got myself a vegetarian cookbook! ( Thanks mike and beck)
Most of the meals I make at home are veggie but it is just me leaving meat out of recipes and it is not always very filling. So I decided to buy one and see what I could do!
I made a couscous shepherds pie!
Dan and I thought it was good! I was so excited that my first try was a success!!
The kids didn't try it but that was because they were "starving" when I was putting it in the oven and so they could not wait the 25 minutes until it was done. I am sure it would have been a fight, as most meals are so we went with grilled cheese and fruit for them! (still a vegetarian meal!)
We probably won't go completely vegetarian as we still like chicken and steak when we go out to a restaurant, which is all the time (that is a joke)
Anyway just wanted to share my success, since I don't always have it in the kitchen!


Anonymous said...

Way awesome sis!!! At least you have a husband that will eat veggies!! Do they have any recipes for one? Seems kind of pointless to do a whole lotta work for just me!
Love you and miss you!

Anna said...

Congrats on success with your first recipe! I know it always feels good to get a new cookbook and have the recipies turn out the way they are supposed to! :)